Empower your batteries

with En' Safe® primed Al/Cu foils

Add value to your batteries

En’ Safe® primed aluminum and copper foils add value to your battery. Higher energy density, faster charging, improved safety and extended cycle life, by optimizing the interface between the slurry and the foil.


+100% peeling test
at 180°

Energy density

Give access to 5% more energy content
in the cell


Enable usage of corrosive salts
such as TFSI or FSI


+3% saving in €/kWh
@cell level

Cycle life

+20% longer life thanks to
a better capacity retention


Enable 10C discharge rate
while maintaining cell temperature bellow 50°C

En' Safe® by Armor Battery Films

En’ Safe® is an aluminum and copper foil coated with an ultra-thin conductive and protective primer designed to improve the interface between the anode/cathode and the foil.

The right fit for your technologies


Battery manufacturers are developing specific chemistries to satisfy market requirements. To support our customers’ technology, Armor Battery Films is developing a wide range of products, capable of coping with versatile applications for lithium-ion, post-lithium-ion and EDLC batteries.

Deploy at scale with ARMOR GROUP

Based on our commercial success and the growing demand from our customers, we are building a new production site to supply several Giga-factories, thus guaranteeing our customers :


industrial process




supply chain



Meet us

We are often present at trade fairs and other conferences. Take a look here to find out where you can meet us. Drop by our booth for a chat and a coffee!

Otherwise, don’t hesitate to submit a request for an appointment!

International Battery Seminar & Exhibit
Orlando, FL, USA
17 -
19 March, 2025
Booth 807
Advanced Automotive Battery Conference Europe
Mainz, Germany
23 -
26 June, 2025
Booth 402
The Battery Show Europe
Stuttgart, Germany
3 -
5 June, 2025
Booth 10-A85